Christopher-Lloyd SIMON

This page contains some of my academic works, expository notes and outreach articles.
I welcome (m)any discussion(s) about these topics, and you are welcome to contact me to exchange about them.

List of refereed works (mostly articles accepted in a peer-review journal).
They are grouped by themes and chronological order. The dates refer to those of the first prepreprint.
The preprint versions (often on arxiv) may have more appealing layouts.
The corresponding talks are collected in the following rubrick.

Some of the slides i used for beamer talks are collected below, and maybe some recordings.
They are grouped by topics and then appear in chronological order.
There are variations on the same theme, adapted for different audiences and durations.

Some of my works in progress are listed below, and the most mature come along with some preprints.
I welcome (m)any discussions about those topics, and you are welcome to contact me to exchange about them.
  • Chord diagrams of loops in surfaces
    Part 1: operad factorizations and generating grammars (submitted)
    Part 2: Hopf algebra and polynomial invariants
    Part 3: homotopy groupoids and cluster algebras
  • Pin the loop and other topologames
    The group of m-trivial loops in F(n)
    Intersection functions on free groups and the lower central series
    Loop Pin Nim Games
  • Continued fractions, symbolic and arithmetic dynamics
    Dynamics and transcendence of the Hexponential map
    Isogenies of Denjoy systems and interval exchange transformations
  • Linking numbers of modular knots and scalar products of modular forms
    Representations of the adelic modular group: equidistribution of structure coefficients and periods of automorphic forms
    Gauss linking forms for Lengendrian knots
  • Mapping class groups of mapping tori
  • Surgery distances between 3-manifolds

Various expository notes from courses, conference proceedings, holiday gatherings, personal reflections, ...
Some are unfinished (like many things including this website), but they may still be useful.
They are organized by type and appear in chronological order.
  • Undergraduate research reports and presentations
    • Etude statistique des éléments du groupe symmétrique
      The research report of my TIPE for applying to the ENS Lyon.
      It concerns the distribution of cycle lengths appearing in the factorisation of random permutations as the order of the symmetric group tends to infinity.
      In retrospect, most of the results follow from Polya's counting theorem, the symbolic method for generating functions, and asymptotic analysis.
    • Symmetries et invariants en geometrie algébrique
      A naïve and short open-ended reflection about Hilbert's invariant theory.
    • Modularité des courbes elliptiques
      The report of my 1 month research experience in 2016 at IRMAR with Jean-Pierre Wintenberger.
    • Topology and geometry of curves in hyperbolic surfaces
      The report of my 3 month research experience in 2017 at Stony Brook with Moira Chas, Tony Phillips and Dennis Sullivan.
    • Birational geometry and Jung's theorem after Stéphane Lamy
      This presentation of an article by Stéphane Lamy was written for my class mates of the master program in geometry.
  • Personnal notes and accounts of topics
    • Dynamics and classical entropies of Z-actions
      These lectures notes of a short master course in 2018 by Mikael de la Salle were written with, and mostly by, Matthieu Joseph.
    • Survival Guide to First Order Logic
      These unfinished notes on first order logic were written with, and mostly by, Tristan Sterin.
    • Elementary number theory and quadratic arithmetics
      Various notes and thoughts on elementary number theory and arithmetics of quadratic forms, mostly after
      the book Topology of Numbers by Allen Hatcher, the book A Classical Invitation to Algebraic Numbers and Class Fields by Harvey Cohn,
      the article Sur la théorie de la divisibilité by Jean Dieudonné, and the Salam lectures on Modular forms by Don Zagier.
    • Géométrie des algèbres de quaternions réelles
      These personal notes were written for, and in retrospect of, a mathematical week during the summer 2020
      organised with my friends Felipe Bellio da Nobrega, Martin Donati, Colin Jahel, Matthieu Joseph, Mickael Nahon, Quentin Vila.
    • Algebras of loops in surface orbifolds and volumes in moduli spaces
      Some almost finished notes about geodesic currents and character varieties of surface groups.
  • Conference Symposiums and Surveys
    • Introduction au calcul différentiel quantique et aux idées de la géométrie non commutative
      I organised the traditional week-end du Goutelas in 2018 with Nalini Anantharaman, and in 2019 with Alain Connes.
      For the latter I coordinated the edition of the notes in a special issue of the JME journal.
      You can access the prepublication and the JME publication.

Informatic notebooks serving as experimental basis for conjecturing or checking results.

Various outreach documents. They appear in chronological order.