Some of my works in progress are listed below, and the most mature come along with some preprints.
I welcome (m)any discussions about those topics, and you are welcome to contact me to exchange about them.
- Chord diagrams of loops in surfaces
Part 1: operad factorizations and generating grammars (submitted)
Part 2: Hopf algebra and polynomial invariants
Part 3: homotopy groupoids and cluster algebras
- Pin the loop and other topologames
The group of m-trivial loops in F(n)
Intersection functions on free groups and the lower central series
Loop Pin Nim Games
- Continued fractions, symbolic and arithmetic dynamics
Dynamics and transcendence of the Hexponential map
Isogenies of Denjoy systems and interval exchange transformations
- Linking numbers of modular knots and scalar products of modular forms
Representations of the adelic modular group: equidistribution of structure coefficients and periods of automorphic forms
Gauss linking forms for Lengendrian knots
- Mapping class groups of mapping tori
- Surgery distances between 3-manifolds